Welcome to the Andalucia Highlights 2021!
Andalucia.com is dedicated to southern Spain, where visitors and locals enjoy lots of sunshine each year, life is lived outdoors, and fiestas are celebrated merrily with local food and wine, all the year round, in every village, town and city, to celebrate everything from food harvests to religious pilgrimages. Andalucia is one of the most varied regions in Spain, with every type of scenery from wetlands to deserts, mountains to beaches.
Naturally 2020 and 2021 are different, we look forward to returning to normality and the return of international tourists in 2022.
Most of the 10.000 pages on Andalucia.com are read by searching for information on a specific subject or by navigating from the main menu above.
The Andalucia.com highlights are an opportunity to read the website like you would a magazine, simply scroll down this page and click on an article that interests you. We are adding several new articles at the top of the list each week. The page features a mix of articles timed to coincide with an event or news story and timeless classics.
When you reach the bottom of the page, which is the beginning of this year, explore another year.
Welcome to the Andalucia.com highlights of 2021.