Malaga Airport Taxis
To order a taxi service from Malaga Airport, you can ring either
Taxi Union (+34) 952 04 04 04 or
Unitaxi on (+34) 952 333 333.
All Malaga Taxi will accept Credit Card.
guide price
For a full list of prices visit our Malaga Airport taxis - Tariffs page.
Just to provide a rough idea regarding taxi prices from Malaga Airport to different locations, a taxi to center of Marbella will cost you around 70 or 90€ depending day or night tariff band. Travel to center of Estepona, on the other hand, would cost 105 or 125€, while a closer destination like Fuengirola costs around 35 or 42€.
Again, prices are lower – just a bit lower – during the day and higher during the night.
In the summer months you may have to wait a long time for a taxi – up to an hour perhaps. This is not very comfortable – especially with small kids or after a long flight when you’re tired and just want to get to your destination ASAP. Have you heard of taking a transfer? Transfers are a popular way to handle airport journeys with the least hassle and the greatest comfort. Below you can find companies that offer a transfer service.
Lost property in a Malaga Airport taxi
Your number one priority is to keep an eye on your bags, but should the unthinkable happen – and you leave something behind in a taxi that you took from Malaga airport, here are suggestions.
If you don't have the taxi number (on the side of the taxi and on a notice inside) or the registration it is much more dificult to locate the lost item. We recomend always asking the taxi for a printed receipt (recibo), even if you don't need it for accounts, as this will have drivers details printed on it.
There are two Taxi Associations in Malaga, you should call both these and they will advise you if any item has been reported or handed in to them. However not all taxis are members of the associations, many are independent. Here are their phone numbers
Taxi Union (+34) 952 04 04 04 or
Unitaxi on (+34) 952 333 333.
You should also contact the lost and found office of Malaga Airport as the taxi driver may hand the item in to them after an airport pickup. Ring 952 048 837 or 952 048 851 or the central 913 211 000 or email: [email protected]. Yoiu need to complete their form Full details about the lost and found service and office at the airport.
You can also try Malaga city (town Hall) lost and found office in case the taxi driver found it more convenient to hand in here or did not realise the loss was from the airport. The town hall lost property office is open 09.00 to 14.00 Monday to Friday. You can visit, telephone or call the office to enquire. Remember to collect an item you will need identification and written authority of you are collecting for somebody else.
Oficina Municipal De Objetos Perdidos
Address: Pasaje la Trini, 15, 29012 Málaga
Phone: 951 92 61 11
[email protected]
Good luck.