Anti-Cellulite Massage

Anti-Cellulite Massage

by Dee McMath

Anti-Cellulite Massage is a specialized massage concentrating mainly on the area where cellulite, or 'orange peel' skin is most prevalent on the body.

Anti-cellulite massage is usually on offer from the small Spanish beauty salon to the most luxurious health clinics and 5 star hotel spa areas in and around major towns and cities of Andalucia. If you are in and around the Costa del Sol area, you should have no problem finding and English-speaking beautician who can offer this massage. Of course this massage is very popular along the coastlines as well as inland and especially in the warmer months, when beach culture is in full swing and beach wear reveals a multitude of sins. The Spanish for cellulite is "celulitis"(pronounced selooleetees) and massage is "masaje" (pronounced massachey). On the Beauty salon list is will most likely be 'masaje anti-celulitis'.



The built up of cellulite can cause dryness to the skin. The Anti-cellulite massage stimulates the blood vessels in the skin. This clears out the lymph cells of the toxic fatty deposits, which cause the appearance of the 'orange peel' look. The massage can take from 30 - 45 minutes and you may be made aware that lifestyle as well as hereditary factors plays a part in the build up of cellulite. Toxins, such as tobacco, caffeine alcohol and fast foods are number one culprits in the build up of cellulite.

Keep to a low fat diet, drink 2 litres of filtered water a day and follow a regular exercise programme in between your anti-cellulite massages and you will be rewarded with a soft, supple, young-looking skin for many years. Hard though it is to stick to - we all know it makes sense!
Living in Andalucia